How can companies still be struggling to get orders processed quickly and orders delivered within a few days not weeks. Give us wish lists so we know when it’s back in stock or better yet, help us find the item somewhere else (now that’s being out of bubble gum). Tell us real-time stock levels so we know when you’re running low on an item.
Provide accurate stock level information. Your own employees can be your best source of competitive pricing data for your products. Why should I spend my time trying to find the lowest price for a product online? Why don’t you do that and match it, so I get the best deal from a company I like doing business with instead of your competition? If it’s apples to apples, trying to tell me to pay more for yours then the competition is an exercise in futility. Regardless of whether your B2C, B2B or B2B2C, customers want hassle free online ordering. It needs to be the culmination of everything you’ve done to understand your customer’s expectations. If you want to stand out from your competition, then your online experience must be the flagship of your brand. Create an engaging and effective online experience. You’ve got our attention with the email blast, now make it easy for us to take advantage of the sale. The asterisk tells us what’s not included, how much we must spend to achieve the savings, whether we will get free shipping and what code we have to use to get the savings. I see endless emails from companies about their latest promotions, sales, and discounts. Eliminate promotions with an asterisk. What are some ways you can blow away your competition with kick-a#! CX: But often our brand is like Roddy chewing bubble gum and our customer experience is all but lost to a multitude of policies and practices that cause unending customer frustration. Brand and CX are inseparable as means for responding to customer expectations. If you really want your brand to stand apart from your competition, your customer experience must as well. And if you have ever seen the movie, he carries through on those intentions. He’s bold and deliberate in his approach. Piper when it comes to designing a better customer experience. In a scene from the 1988 movie, They Live, Roddy Piper utters the iconic phrase, “I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick a#!….and I’m all out of bubble gum!”.