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Just keep swimming image

just keep swimming image just keep swimming image

The purple and red in the first three images show attempts to stain for Gad1 using immunohistochemistry (IHC). In each of these images, the blue is a marker for all neurons. I quickly figured out this was not an easy feat.Įach of these pictures shows neurons from different rat brains. In order to target this gene, I had to be able to stain the brain tissue I was using to visualize Gad1. One of the primary components of my research is Gad1, which is a gene that codes for GABA, the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. This is why one of the most important, and often undervalued, skills in science is being able to troubleshoot when things go wrong. In science, things rarely work the first time you try them machines will break, programs will crash, your entire procedure could fail. Not only do the experiments take time, but so does setting up and troubleshooting all of the techniques that were used. Behind that finished product are countless hours, weeks, months, and likely years of time and effort that went into making that published article. When you read a research article, what you see is a finished product.

Just keep swimming image